Case Study: JumpSport

How sales rebounded for the #1 fitness trampoline


Bounce back from disjointed marketing

JumpSport Fitness Trampolines are the top choice of gyms and trainers. But despite this stellar reputation, revenue was declining. JumpSport relied on different marketing agencies to manage Google and social ads, who didn’t have clear insight into what – if anything – was wrong. How could they improve marketing when it was a black box and their trusted partners independently claimed everything was fine?

Scope & Goals

Consolidate ad management with a fresh perspective, overhaul paid social strategy, rebuild Google Ads, improve website conversion.

Social ads  /   Google Ads  /   Website conversion

Social ads: Make the leap from gimmicks to ‘edu-tainment’

JumpSport markets more than just a fitness trampoline. They also promote rebounding itself as a fun, efficient workout option. Yet their paid social strategy did neither. It relied on slogans, discounts, and limited-edition colors – without explaining the unique product features and health benefits.

Our Solution

Quiet Owl struck gold in JumpSport’s content library (literally). Celebrities like Goldie Hawn and Eva Longoria love their trampolines and often post workout clips. Quiet Owl edited these videos into consistent top performers. We also re-purposed existing long-form footage into punchy, ad-ready creative with real substance – not just happy people bouncing without context. Lastly, Quiet Owl shifted budgets to emphasize prospecting campaigns, rather than oversaturate remarketing which had led to sky-high ad costs.

Key Benefits
  • Substance over sizzle – show real product & health benefits
  • Re-purpose existing assets to minimize content burden
  • Favor prospecting over remarketing to reach new audiences

Google ads: Simplicity beats complexity

JumpSport’s Google Ad account was unusually complicated. Dozens of overlapping campaigns competed against each other, making it impossible to interpret and optimize results. Even worse, this diluted account structure prevented the algorithm from getting enough conversion data to exit learning mode. Finally, keywords like ‘JumpSport trampolines’ crept into nearly every campaign, muddling the distinction between brand traffic and true non-brand prospecting terms.

Our Solution

Some agencies pitch complexity as ‘sophistication,’ but it often has the opposite effect: hindering growth. To get back to basics, Quiet Owl rebuilt JumpSport’s Google Ads from the ground up. Ditch automated Performance Max campaigns, consolidate manual search and shopping. Separate brand vs. non-brand ad groups (and stop overpaying for brand traffic). Organize the product feed for better control. Prioritize products and keywords with the best performance and growth potential. Leverage Google’s smart bidding – while retaining the ability to learn and refine along the way.

Key Benefits
  • Understand which products & keywords can scale
  • Consolidate campaigns to give Google enough conversion data
  • Distinguish brand terms from non-brand keywords that drive growth

Conversion optimization: A website fit for customers

JumpSport consistently ranks among the top fitness trampolines. They boast design features such as arched legs for stability and elastic cords for a smooth, quiet bounce with adjustable firmness. Quiet Owl knew these key selling points weren’t clear on the website, nor was it obvious how to choose between different models that all looked similar at a glance. But JumpSport wasn’t convinced the site was a problem – and understandably reluctant to invest in a redesign without clear proof.

Our Solution

Quiet Owl paired two approaches to justify a complete redesign: a website audit & user testing. Our Baymard site audits use research-based guidelines and benchmarks, offering an objective analysis rather than mere opinion. User testing lets real people go through specific tasks to give a ‘fresh eyes’ perspective. Both tools revealed major flaws in the buying process: difficulty comparing models and accessories, unclear product descriptions and images, confusing navigation and filtering, and uncertainty about pricing. This research gave JumpSport the confidence to proceed with a brand new website, along with concrete data and recommendations to incorporate into the new design.

Key Benefits
  • Insights from real user testing
  • Researched-backed site audit
  • Confidence to invest in a new website


In one year, Quiet Owl helped JumpSport reverse declining revenue into all-time record sales months with better overall marketing efficiency.


Increase in revenue (YoY)


Growth in brand searches (YoY)


Increase in wholesale partner sales
Client Approved

“We are extremely grateful for Quiet Owl’s fresh approach to our brand and marketing. We sorely needed their expertise with ad creation, and they delivered with content that speaks to the heart of what we sell. Their team is efficient, effective, and fun to work with — always suggesting new ideas or providing personalized recommendations. As a result, our brand continues to grow and expand into new markets.”

Forrest Bless | President